Aşa Grăit-a Zamo.ca (noua generatie), the descendant of a Dacian God, Zalmoxis; teme personale, culturale şi sociale din Toronto. Patria mé îi limba romgleză. Formerly asa.zamo.ca and Also Sprach Zamolxis - new and improved or New Generation
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Aceasta este noua pagina despre acest blog, bazata pe cea de pe vechiul blog. Cu timpul, va fi migrata si rescrisa / actualizata. For English, see the "About" page.
I am once again accumulating articles in "Draft" and have very little time for blogging. But watching the news I just came across this abomination and I just have to tell you about the latest Bucharest/Budapest confusion.
Over many years, I managed to curb my “somebody is wrong on the Internet” enthusiasm. However, the idiocy of envying / judging the Roma and homeless people who help with recyclable collection proved too much.
Recently, I found myself contemplating the worst case scenario for the Ukraine war so far: Putin calls partial mobilization and formally annexes his Ukrainian conquests, having “clarified” the use of nuclear weapons.
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