
Dacian Words

A more recent, newer list of likely Dacian words is an opportunity to look back at a few issues with Meta Marioara.

Occupational Therapists in Bucharest

Someone asked for my help in finding occupational therapists in Bucharest who speak English and can work with someone in Toronto online.

Da PopoMobile

Not long ago, a controversy that’s still somewhat alive erupted over Olympic swimming champion David Popovici decision to “live the dream” and buy himself a Porsche Spyder. While I have no right to criticize him, I summarize a few opinions in the mass-media and add my own.

Winter e-Shopping in Romania

Given my experience with Google automatically censoring my previous article on purchases, then releasing it on each update, I am a bit apprehensive about describing my shopping experiences again, yet if I put work into comparison shopping, I figured it might be useful to others as well.

monologues for a Romanian actor

Inspired by the multiple suggestions of great monologues in English, I was up to no good searching for the same in Romanian. I’ve gotten a few, but at least at first, they’re mostly hallucinations.

Google Censorship Here

I document a few recent abuses of Google censorship on this blog and provide context as discussed on other blogs and publications, with the intent to discuss it in depth later and elsewhere.