Cracked Soda Cola Honest Ads Translation

I want to help Cola addicts with a translation of an anti-commercial, and I also look at a poor translation of the “new Rasputins” article.
captura de ecran din video youtube 'daca ar fi adevarate reclamele la Cola'

Varianta în limba română pe FaṭăCarte Meta Zamolxis.

  • I look at another example of a poor translation from English in the Romanian media.
  • Trying to translate a PSA video clip from English to Romanian using subtitles.

It’s appalling when poor translations done by Romanian media are published and left uncorrected. I encounter such examples regularly, as stated, which is why I always try to avoid Romanian media and get content from source.

Recently, I’ve encountered the first reference to an Atlantic article (ta-rasp) in Digi24 (d24-rasp) and my eyes were hurt by several ineptitudes, such as:

Deși Trump a câștigat realegerea ca republican, nu a existat nimic în mod tradițional „republican” în a-l propune pe Tulsi Gabbard ca director al informațiilor naționale.

Gabbard este un fost democrat progresist cu legături pe viață cu Fundația Science of Identity, o sectă separatistă Hare Krishna.

The problem with the translation above is that Tulsi Gabbard is a woman. The original text is in English, where nouns aren’t gendered, and an automatic translation has to assign a gender in Romanian, usually masculine. “Editor” Ștefana Radu didn’t catch it, though both HotNews (hn-rasp) and G4media (g4-rasp) get it right, even while they all change paragraphs.

I’ve found myself facing a different kind of problem, more recently.

An aunt of mine is addicted to Coca Cola and she drinks 400 mL/day even though she’s got diabetes. I ran out of things to say to her. I looked for PSAs and “anti-commercials” and found the one from Cracked to be the best. Unfortunately, my aunt doesn’t speak English so I have to find a way to get the message to her.

I cannot upload subtitles to the original, so I copied the transcript to a spreadsheet and did an automatic translation. I’ll keep working on it and have also made a playlist where I’ll publish a new translated version, once I do it.

Some issues include getting permission from the original publisher (derivatives should be covered by fair use / fair dealing but just to be nice), couldn’t open it in Clipchamp so maybe I’ll try several others and write about it all in a new tab.

Sources / More info: ta-rasp, d24-rasp, hn-rasp, g4-rasp


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