
TDS testing of Romanian water

I recently published a short trying to summarize some TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) measurements of drinking water in Romania, more precisely in Iasi. Since the video was cut by TikTok to some less relevant bits, it became necessary to (re)publish the results here.

Bike Parts at Carrefour vs Temu et AliExpress

I recently purchased a few bike parts and/or accessories from Carrefour and I am looking at prices from other (mostly Chinese) vendors, to make sure I got the lowest price. Most stuff is and has been made in China for quite a while now anyway, so why not buy it direct if it ends up cheaper?

Fake News Defence

I have read on blog something about rare earth metals and Canada and it didn’t sound right. I looked into it to determine whether it really was fake news.

Trash Garbage Bin with can holder

Over many years, I managed to curb my “somebody is wrong on the Internet” enthusiasm. However, the idiocy of envying / judging the Roma and homeless people who help with recyclable collection proved too much.

FM Radio Lists in Romania

Recently I've donated a vintage boombox with AM, FM, SW radio (among many other facilities). Of all the features it had, it was radio that I'll miss the most.

Romanian Danube/Black Sea ports

Sounds like there's work to do and maybe that's what they tried doing not long ago..  "these days, Ukrainian and international shipping companies prefer to use smaller vessels that can move along the Black Sea coast towards Romanian ports on the Danube, a gateway to Eastern and Central Europe. But “the Danube ports are not deep, a Panamax ship [with a tonnage of more than 50,000] won’t enter them, and the cargo needs to be reloaded either at sea or in other ports,” Kyiv-based analyst Aleksey Kushch told Al Jazeera." Source:

George Enescu in Budapest, via Euronews

I am once again accumulating articles in "Draft" and have very little time for blogging. But watching the news I just came across this abomination and I just have to tell you about the latest Bucharest/Budapest confusion.